I had a few things that I felt needed an update so this is a mixed post.
Firstly the latest efforts to keep the rats out are working for now. We haven’t seen any more rats or any droppings or any evidence of them trying to find another way in at the moment!
The polythene cover we put over part of the uncovered run is a success, it has withstood all the wind and rain we have had recently. I have been in the run during heavy rain and it drains through the holes I made and doesn’t create any pools, so I am pleased with that. Because we have had so much rain with never more than an odd dry day, the ground has never dried out properly, but the chickens can still go out into the garden area while it’s raining and it keeps the big perch dry for them. I have to add that although we have had a lot of rain in the south of England we are lucky that we haven’t had the floods that the west of England has had and my run slopes down so at least the water drains away.
The other really simple success is moving the water off the patio area, it’s so nice not to have the constant wet patch on the patio and makes it much easier to keep clean.
Other news, I think Bluebell may start to lay soon as she has started to squat when I hold my hand over her back and she does go and have a look in the coop in the morning when I am cleaning up.
Treacle has taken to getting on top of the storage cabinet to peck at the jasmine leaves. The cabinet has a perspex top which is not meant to take the weight of a big girl like Treacle so the next job to do is to fit a bit of wood across the top of the cabinet. There is always something else that needs improving.
Finally back to Treacle’s mouldy tasting but lovely looking eggs. I have researched on the “Down The Lane” forum and on the internet to try to work out what is happening here. I concluded that the layers pellets that I had bought in bulk had gone out of date so replaced them with fresh ones a week ago. We have been tasting each egg, poached on a plate by itself with both me and my husband tasting it and there is no improvement yet.
Further input from “Down The Lane” suggested the corn that I give as a treat also has a shelf life and could be part of the problem. I had bought a bag of corn when I first had the chooks and as it’s only given in a small amount as a treat, I have had it for a long time. I have now thrown that away and replaced with fresh corn.
I have learned a lesson here that although I thought I was being sensible buying large amounts that was a mistake and from now on I will buy smaller amounts to keep everything fresh.
I then did further research on the internet and found other people with the same problem, one lady said it started when she fed corn, another said one of her hens is laying mouldy tasting eggs but not the rest and she has not changed anything. This is really strange! I could do with Bluebell starting to lay to give us a benchmark as to whether it is something they are eating.
I then researched “does what they eat effect the eggs?” rather than “mouldy tasting eggs” and got back that melon can effect the taste (no more melon) and that it’s best not to give too much fruit but stick to veg and salad items. They said in winter when there isn’t grass and plant life available that you can give unlimited greens and this improves the eggs.
I had already stopped melon and now will stop all fruit except an occasional apple. I will increase the greens and have a pot of living leaves for them for tomorrow.
I feel a bit more positive that we will get this sorted but it may just take a bit of time. Treacle’s eggs are perfect, dark brown with very hard shells, bright orange yolk and firm whites. They look amazing and it is so frustrating that we can’t eat them.
I do feel better that other people have also experienced this but no one seems to have a conclusion as to why. We will keep trying each egg and I will report the results. I am sure it is just a matter of time until this improves.
Meanwhile, I have to say, I just love these girls!
I think the mixed corn should last for ages. I only used to buy it every 6 months – 1 year, and I never had any problem. As long as it is stored somewhere dry it should last a very long time.
I think that I am clutching at straws here, trying to come up with any possible reason for why the eggs taste weird. I have done so much research on this and it’s frustrating that I have found other people who have the problem but no one knows why or has resolved it. This subject has filled two pages on “Down the lane” so far.
We waited so long for eggs and now can’t eat them, how unlucky is that! Richard wonders if it’s Treacle herself but I can’t believe that, there must be something else. I still hope the next egg will suddenly be good. I will be trying yesterdays egg this morning.