
Today Pepper managed to jump onto the lower branch of the apple tree. Poppy and Dotty were looking up at her as if to see if they could join her. Poppy jumped on to the same branch, knocking Pepper off (there is only room for one at a time). Dotty couldn’t manage it as she is too little at the moment. I then moved them toward the branch we have put in for them and Pepper soon perched on that. So now they have discovered something new in their world. Pepper returned to the perch later in the day. The other two don’t seem to have caught on yet but I am sure they soon will.

I had a few comments from the “Down the Lane” forum expressing worry that if my run was open topped  the chickens could escape via the tree or predators could get in. I just want to let everyone know that I have “Knowels Chicken Net” (which was recommended)  and is very tough, over the top and there are no gaps anywhere. I intend to keep the apple tree pruned beneath the net and if it proves a problem in the future will cut it down or take it out. At the moment I feel it adds some interest to their enclosure.

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2 Responses to Perches

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh, that is good news. I was wondering the same thing. But do try and keep the apple tree. It will provide shade and I’m sure the girls will love pecking at the apples that drop. They will even do a good job going after bugs that might try and eat your apples.

  2. Carol says:

    I will try to keep the tree. There is also a really large shrub which they already use for cover, more from rain than sun at the moment. Today when I was out with them a low plane went over and when they heard it they all ran for cover under the shrub, it is amusing to see.
    Poppy has also got the hang of perching on the branch today and looked very pleased with herself, only Dotty to get the hang of it now.

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