Speckles hasn’t laid an egg for two and a half weeks. She has been growing back her feathers after being plucked which has been like having a mini moult. For the last four or five days she has sat in the nest box for a while each day.
I thought that she probably didn’t know why she wasn’t laying eggs. Today there was a slight change in her behaviour. About six times during the morning I saw her go to the grit and oyster shell. I began to think that perhaps today was going to be the day she started laying again.
She went into the nest box and came out a bit later with a shout. I went to check. Oh my goodness! There was her first egg after her break and it was the same shape and colour as Apricot’s first egg but it was huge.
Wow! What a long egg. It is good to have her back laying again. I think like Apricot she has felt this coming for days. Now we have all the girls laying. Happy egg days.
What a lovely egg, It must be a good feeling to have her back to normal.
You certainly did the right thing, when you let the other two go. happy girls.
I am really pleased. I wasn’t sure if she would start laying again this year although she has kept her lovely, big, red, comb. It shows that they are all happy girls. The difference in the flock has been more than I could have imagined and it does make me feel that it was definitely the right thing to do.
Wow! That is one huge egg for a bantam.
It was a whopper. We had it for breakfast and in the pan the yolk was bigger than a shop bought (big girl’s) egg.