Friendships in the flock

Emerald and Speckles have become quite a twosome. They are often perching or sitting together.

Emerald and Speckles often perch together

Speckles and Emerald dust bath together

Emerald likes to stretch her wings out to the sun

Emerald now has several white feathers under her wings which I think are a sign of her age. She has always liked to stretch her wings into the sun.

Dandelion and Cinnamon perch together

These two are also always together and sometimes all of the three amigos perch together too. Rusty and Freckles also perch together but today Freckles was in the cat box, nest box, laying her egg.

Apricot practices in the nest box again

Apricot now goes into the nest box each day to practice laying. After an hour I lift her out and she always goes to the apple and stays out after that. It’s a bit like dealing with a broody girl except not quite the same.

Emerald and Apricot share a bit of apple

Apricot has a peck at the apple

They peck at the apple together

Emerald has the sweetest nature and will share treats with any other girl. Speckles and Freckles wouldn’t allow Apricot to share the same piece of apple like this but Emerald is just a sweetheart.

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6 Responses to Friendships in the flock

  1. Sophie says:

    Emerald IS a sweetheart and so funny that Apricot likes to practice!! xx

  2. Marion Pharo says:

    They are sweet.

  3. David Anderson says:

    Seems wonderfully harmonious.:)

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