Speckles hasn’t laid an egg for two weeks now. I believe this is because she is growing her head feathers back in and like when moulting she can’t lay eggs and grow feathers at the same time.
Nobody has told her that though. She doesn’t seem to realise that she isn’t laying at the moment and she will sit in a nest box for a while with a little pile of pine shavings on her back. Sometimes she even gives the shout when she comes out but when I check there is no egg.
Yesterday Dandelion had made up her mind that she wanted to lay her egg in the left hand nest box which was occupied by Speckles. When Dandelion makes up her mind she wants a certain nest box there is no budging her. She was standing at the ramp to Speckles nest box and shouting.
I picked her up and put her in the nest box next door. She bounced straight back out and went to Speckles nest box again. Eventually she plucked up courage and went in with Speckles.
Dandelion settled in there and Speckles gave up and left the nest box. A little while later Dandelion was back out in the run. I checked the nest box and there was Dandelion’s tiny, pale shelled, egg. This is Dandelion’s eleventh egg and the fourth one that she has laid in a nest box. It is amusing how determined she is to lay in her nest box of choice.Dandelion is a funny little girl.
Look how Speckles white pin feathers are growing on her head. She is looking so much better. I don’t mind her taking a break from egg laying as it is so good to see her feathers growing back.
It is good. I am so pleased to see the friendship between Emerald and Speckles becoming closer every day. To see Emerald laying an egg every day, which she didn’t used to do, so that’s proving she must be happy and stress free. Then the three amigos becoming completely part of the flock to the extent of sharing a nest box with a bigger girl in the same way that Rusty and Freckles do. And of course Speckles growing feathers too. The flock is so united now that it is a constant pleasure to see.
Speckles’ comb certainly hasn;t shrunk, so she’ll probably start again soon.:)
I have noticed recently that she still has an enormous comb.