I have been trying out my new camera.
I took some portraits of the girls.
She was in the nest box for an hour and had a broody look about her. After an hour I lifted her and she had laid her egg. I took her out of the nest box and she shouted for a bit but then carried on as normal. Maybe she isn’t broody yet but just thinking about it. She has been laying for three weeks now.
She has now laid eight eggs and of those only three were in the nest box but I am sure she will get the hang of it eventually.
She isn’t laying yet but her comb has matured so I think she won’t be long. She isn’t squatting yet though.
Her head feathers are growing.
She has such a red face and is still laying almost every day and it’s a week later than she stopped last year. I think she is enjoying being one of only two bigger girls.
I am really thrilled with my new camera. It’s so much quicker at both taking the photos and loading them on to the computer. I think there is more detail in the photos too. I am very happy with it.
Lovely one of Emerald – her feathers look fantastic.
I have always found her difficult to photograph because of her dark colours but this camera seems to love her. I have always thought that she has the most beautiful feathers which have a glossy emerald and purple sheen to them and on top of that she has a really lovely nature too. She is the girl I have had the longest and she has always remained a favourite. I think she is a beautiful girl.
Some great photos, They are much sharper and brighter.
That is great to hear because I was really hoping that there would be a noticeable difference. I think there is a lot more fine detail.
Lovely pics.
Thank you. It was my first practice today but I hope that my photos will get better now I have a better camera.