I can’t get over the change in the flock since we re-homed Peaches and Barley. It is so quiet, peaceful and harmonious. When I used to give corn or sunflower hearts I used to throw some the other side of the wire so that the three amigos had a chance of getting some and even then they would get chased round and round the wire.
I am now able to give the treats together and the flock is as one. It is so lovely to see them all together.
The whole flock hang out together now and Emerald and Speckles have taken to sitting together. Speckles also has her head feathers coming back in and is starting to look better.
Emerald is laying really well and has gone past the date that she stopped last year (game girls have a short laying season). I expect she will stop laying soon but my husband said maybe less stress is keeping her laying longer.
Dandelion has now laid two eggs in a nest box after laying her first six in the run. I wonder if that too is because she is no longer being chased from the nest boxes.
When I go up to the girls they all run to me now rather than the three amigos hanging back. The three amigos now spend time on the patio. I have never before had to have a separate feeding station, bottles of water above the ladder and a cat box nest box in the shed. All these things came about because of the three amigos being chased.
I probably don’t need the cat box in the shed any longer but I am leaving it for a while because Emerald has taken to laying her eggs in there.
I will keep my flock at this smaller size from now on and will only add girls if I lose girls which I hope won’t be for a very long time and I would always add seramas in future.
I am now enjoying the flock again and the flock are happy and united once more.
Awwww and hooray. Peacefulness so you can enjoy your beautiful yard and the seasons. Knowing that Peaches and Barley are in a wonderful place and that you can visit them is really good. Happy spring!
Thank you. My friend Jackie used to say that we often don’t realise how much aggressive behaviour and bullying is going on until the peace returns. It is so lovely to have peace and harmony once more and I can tell how much happier the little girls are.
Enjoy! Always nice to have harmony.
It is, I am so enjoying the harmony.
So happy for you, and your girls.
Thank you. It is lovely.