Treacle’s second egg

This morning when I went out to clean up as usual, I could tell that Treacle was getting ready to lay her second egg. The automatic door has been opening at quarter past seven but this morning it was dull and wet after another night of rain. I waited for five minutes then decided to cheat, as I sometimes do, and shone my torch on the light sensor. The door opened and the chickens eagerly tumbled out. Usually the door stays open but it was so dull that it shut again.

I took the side panel off to clean up and could see that the nest box had been sat in. Treacle then started to “boc boc” loudly and entered the coop through the open side panel and sat in the nest box. She seemed unsettled by the door being shut and came out again, then returned, then out again. By now it was half past seven, the latest the door has opened yet, so I decided to shine the torch on it again. This time it stayed open and Treacle returned to the nest box and started scratching like the first day.

I quickly finished my clean up and put the side panel back on to let her lay her egg in peace. I cleaned up outside and left with Treacle still in the nest box. I looked out at eight o’clock and saw that she was back out. I went to inspect and there was her second egg still warm. It is slightly bigger and darker than the first and not speckled.

Treacle’s second egg

The egg on the right is Treacle’s second egg. Maybe we will start to get one each day. I am looking forward to seeing if there is another one tomorrow.

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