Treacle’s trick for today!

After laying her first egg yesterday, we wondered if Treacle would lay another today or if it was a one off. This morning she behaved completely differently from yesterday and showed no interest in the nest box and I was pretty certain that there would be no egg today.

At mid morning I looked out of the window and saw that Treacle was perched on top of the umbrella. I grabbed my camera to see if I could catch a photo before she came down.

Treacle on the umbrella

Treacle about to launch herself down from the umbrella

It’s a good job we have chicken net over the top of our run or these girls would definitely make an escape.

We didn’t get another egg today. We are going to wait for a few days and if there is still not another one we will share the first egg. I can’t wait to crack it open and see what the inside is like.

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