Treacle’s first egg

Treacle has been in the nest box all morning scratching about. I don’t know why she doesn’t just sit in there but is constantly scratching her feet. Meanwhile the other girl’s are scratching in some leaves.

Bluebell, Pepper and Dotty scratch happily in some leaves.

Every now and again Bluebell would go to the door of the coop and peer in at Treacle or stand and listen to Treacle scratching in the nest box. We had some work to do so decided to leave her to it.

We went back out to the chickens before lunch at about quarter to one and found Treacle back out in the run with the other girls. I opened the nest box with baited breath.

There in the middle was a perfect small, brown, speckled egg. I felt so proud of Treacle. What a clever girl to know where to go to lay her first egg. It was still slightly warm.

Treacle’s first egg

Small but perfect

I am so pleased with Treacle. I wonder if she will lay another tomorrow. I have now changed the girls from growers pellets to layers pellets. I had been waiting to use up the last of the growers pellets but this morning decided to throw out was left in the feeder and replace them with layers.

We will wait until we have two eggs, then will try them for breakfast. I used the last of my shop bought eggs at breakfast this morning so will not buy any more for now. I am so happy!

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2 Responses to Treacle’s first egg

  1. Steve says:

    That’s excellent – I’m really pleased for you. It’s probably best not think of the total cost of producing that 1 egg, but I’m sure it will be lovely!

  2. Carol says:

    Richard says this is the £1000 egg!
    I am so pleased, proud, happy, blown away! You forget that is what they are supposed to do. I have loved them so much that I had almost forgotten they are supposed to lay eggs. Also I had resigned myself to the possibility that it would now be spring before we got an egg.
    Today was amazing and I am so pleased that she did it on a weekend too, while we were here all day. I was desperate to share my news. Hurrah!

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