Is Treacle about to lay an egg?

I think Treacle may be about to lay an egg. Having said recently that she may not lay until spring, I have read of people getting their first egg on a snowy winters day so anything is possible.

Lately if I put my hand anywhere near Treacle she instantly squats down. This last week she has been getting in the coop when I do my morning clean up and looking at the nest box. She would stand on the perch below and have a good look in. This morning when I was cleaning the coop she actually went and sat in the nest box a couple of times as if sizing it up. She inspected the plastic egg which I put in the nest box to show that it is the place to lay.

Later on in the morning she was back in the nest box and scratching around like crazy.

Treacle ensconced in the nest box

When she came out I had a look in and saw that she had scratched the shavings from the middle of the box and flicked the egg out. I decided to double up the depth of the shavings.

Treacle has scratched out the pine shavings

The other girls are outside the coop wondering what she is up to.

Clean and dry patio

This picture shows how much better the patio looks now that it has dried after yesterdays clean up. The spot where the drinker used to be is now dry.

Treacle is continuing to keep going back in the nest box, I am quite excited and am wondering if we may get an egg today.

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