Treacle tries out the new, bigger, dry dust bath

I put in the new, bigger, round, dry dust bath about a week ago. At first I could see foot prints in it but no evidence of it being used as a dust bath. Then I could see by the dust sprinkled outside of it that it was being used but didn’t manage to catch any of the girls in it.

This morning we went up to the girls and Treacle was having a great time in the dust bath. She was completely covered in dust and writhing around, sometimes with eyes closed and purring with delight. If you didn’t know how much chickens like to dust bath you would be forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with her.

Treacle in the dry dust bath

Writhing around in her dust bath

Eyes shut, head down and purring

Treacle dusts Bluebell

The other girls mill around her but at the moment they are not getting a look in, she is staying put. Bluebells back is sprinkled with dust from Treacle. Treacle is loving this and as we had to go, we didn’t see her get out. later in the day she still had dust on her fluffy butt feathers. I think we can call the new dry dust bath a success.

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