Day four – Portraits

I thought it would be nice to show portraits of my girls. It was more difficult than I thought it would be, as they are such a tight trio that it was difficult to photograph them separately. I had to keep the camera on them and snap as soon as one left a slight gap between herself and her flock members.





You can see that Dotty, being two weeks younger is less developed with a smaller tail. Don’t tell her that though as she acts as if there is no difference and is the fastest mover of the three.  They are adorable and I can’t imagine life without them already!

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8 Responses to Day four – Portraits

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oooo, they are so pretty. I told my husband today about you feeding them noodles and he immediately asked if we could feed our girls noodles tonight as he remembered how excited they are over noodles.

    I’m so happy you are having fun with your hens. Can’t wait to see them grow up and fill out those speckled feathers. Where did you get them?

  2. Carol says:

    I got them from Chalk Hill Poultry in Dorset. I researched on the internet and because they are a rare breed, this was the only place in England that I could find who breeds them.
    I can’t get them to eat any other treat than noodles yet and feel a bit guilty that I am giving them a little everyday. What was the next thing your babies would eat? I have tried chopped grape and strawberry but they are not interested.

  3. Steve says:

    Well done! I remember how hard it can be to photograph chickens: They don’t exactly like to sit still for the camera!

    Did you decide to leave only Pepper with a leg ring in the end?

  4. Carol says:

    We are still going to put a green leg ring on poppy, but as they have got used to coming to me, I didn’t want to rush it and scare them again. I am waiting to get them more used to me, but will attempt it soon.

  5. Flock Mistress says:

    I would say meal worms for a treat. Be sure they are getting grit if they are going to be eating things other than their regular feed. You can buy grit at the feed store or given they have access to a dirt area, they are probably finding enough grit naturally.

    If live worms are too creepy, you can probably find them freeze dried.

    • Carol says:

      I have tried meal worms but they only seem to go for them if they in small bits or when they have softened after the rain. I have grit ready for them but have read that they shouldn’t have it until they are older and ready to lay eggs.

  6. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh wow. I thought for sure you were in the Piedmont Hills in CA from some of your photos. I’m on the wrong continent!

    You could also try yogurt and cooked oatmeal. Mine don’t go for yogurt but I know some love it.

  7. Carol says:

    I did wonder if you had realised that I am over here in very wet England. The apple tree picture was taken in a brief window one morning when it stopped raining, sun came out and sky was blue. I rushed out and took it and love the blue sky in that picture even though the apples are slightly out of focus.
    I tried yogurt last night and they were not interested at all. I am going to get some maggots today (yum!). I will do a post later but was too busy and tired yesterday.
    Thank so much for your input, I really appreciate it.

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