Yesterday afternoon my husband decided to tackle the job of pruning our unruly rambling rose that’s next to the chicken run. We inherited this rose when we moved in and it’s extremely fast growing and vicious to prune.
The only reason we have put up with it is because it provides a screen between us and our neighbours as the fence behind it is quite low (it is our neighbours fence). It is problematic though as we have had to go next door when it blew into their garden and push it back over to our side where we secured it to some posts.
It also grows out on our side taking up a lot of room. My husband decided now was the time to give it a severe prune. This provided entertainment for the girls.
The girls usually go to bed at about four o’clock but they were so interested in what was going on that they stayed out later than usual. They watched every move that my husband was making. These girls are so nosy and so easily entertained.
This rose is going to provide a future project but that’s for another day and another post.
Nice to see the girls being entertained.
They love to see what is going on at all times. Chickens sure are nosy.
Ah, yes the peanut gallery does love a little entertainment in their world.
Indeed, I couldn’t put it better myself.