Fish for the girls

It’s still so cold that I keep feeling the need to treat the girls. Today there was a bitterly cold wind and there was no sun for the girls to perch in.

Tomorrow is forecast to be the last frosty morning and then the temperature is supposed to rise a bit. I can’t wait!

Some fish for the girls

Some fish for the girls

Emerald didn’t seem interested in the fish and was still scratching in the soil in the background. You can just see her tail behind Peaches.

Emerald is still in the background

Emerald is still in the background

She briefly joins in

Emerald briefly joins in then returns to digging again

I am still leaving the shed door open each day but the girls only go in a few times a day for a quick scratch in the shavings. Peaches and Barley have been perching in the shelter at times.

The daytime temperature didn’t rise above -1.5 today with occasional flurries of snow. Despite the temperature not being as low overnight as we have had it feels colder because of the low daytime temperature. Bring on warmer days is all I can say!

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4 Responses to Fish for the girls

  1. Marion Pharo says:

    Looks as if they enjoyed the fish. Will also be glad when it warms up.

  2. David Anderson says:

    -3 up here this morning – had to bring drinkers in and use hot water to release a good inch of ice from the top; should try and bring them inside overnight! Suspect they’ll be spending large parts of the day indoors, as it unlikely to warm up very much at all. Only 2 months until spring – officially!

    • Frozen waters here this morning too but the good news is that this morning is the last morning forecast to be freezing. The temperature is forecast to gradually rise over the coming days and to stay above freezing overnight. After two weeks of this I have never felt so joyous at the forecast of a change in the weather. Even the forecast of some rain can’t dampen (excuse the pun) the relief I feel at the end of this freezing spell.

      I too wondered why I didn’t empty the waters and simply refill them in the mornings instead of defrosting them. Never mind, too late now. I don’t care as long as it gets warmer. Hope it will soon warm up for you too.

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