The garden always looks a bit of a mess at this time of year but there are a surprising few spots of colour hanging on in there.
We have had some really hard frosts recently and yet now it’s turned really mild again and there are some unexpected late buds on the roses.
It’s not impressive by any means but it is surprising for mid December.
It always seems odd that the winter jasmine drops all it’s leaves just before it flowers.
The cyclemen in the chimney flower pot looks a bit sad but the hanging basket still looks quite good.
At this time of year it is a surprise to see these bits of colour hanging on.
Not bad at all, for this time of th year.
Thank you.
Oh lovely to see. The garden here is under inches of snow and it is 3 degrees F with a wind chill of -14!!! The windowsills are loaded with begonias and chard and geraniums from the porch.
Wow, it is mild here today, it’s 53 degrees F (I just had to do a conversion as it’s 11 degrees C). We don’t realise how lucky we are. The down side is that it’s often wet.