Rusty and Freckles just love the wooden table/winter shelter. If they are not inside it pecking around they are on top of it pecking around. Sometimes as we approach the run we can hear the tapping of this pair pecking away. They seem to love pecking at everything all day long but especially pecking at the wooden table.
At the moment I am letting the girls out before the automatic door opens as the mornings are dark. Yesterday it was a murky morning and a bit darker than usual. I decided to stay and sweep the patio so that I could linger with the girls until it got a bit lighter. They don’t seem at all bothered about the dark mornings and are eager to come out however murky it is.
I gave them some sunflower hearts and Rusty and Freckles pecked around in the shed with me while I poop picked as they always do. They then had a quick drink and were off straight to the table. The bigger girls were scratching near the patio but these two were straight on to the top of the wooden table were they commenced their pecking at goodness knows what.
Today I took a few more photos of them on the table.
They are so funny the way they peck together all day. My husband says that he somehow feels these two are the happiest chickens we have ever had.
I know what he means. They rush around the run together, they are always pecking often with their heads together and a fallen leaf will cause them to run over at speed to investigate. They run to greet us and somehow just have a joyfulness about them. You can’t help but smile at this pair.
They are lovely, They remind me of when I was a little girl, one of my christmas
presants was two chickens on a board, like a flat round bat, with strings underneath
that you pulled, and the chickens pecked the board, I think the children of today would think it rubbish, but i loved it.
It’s funny but Richard has often said that they remind him of toy chickens. They do peck all the time like that toy and there is a constant tapping sound. They look like toys when they run because they speed along but you can’t see their legs. Richard says they look wind up chickens. Richard also commented on Rusty having only one leg in the first photo then I scrolled through the photos again and realised that she has one leg in every single photo. How funny is that! Check through the photos again. I didn’t realise until I looked back them.
They stand out beautifully against the darkness – and they look really healthy.
They do. They are so busy, always running about and pecking and scratching.