Treacle loves to get on my shoulder

Treacle loves to get on my shoulder at every chance she can. I’m not quite sure why she likes it so much, but any time I crouch down she is straight up there.

I have been trying to get some close up shots of the girls because I want to do a post about their very different personalities, but every time I crouch down Treacle jumps on to my shoulder. Yesterday Bluebell also jumped on my arm so I was stuck with my camera in my hand and Bluebell on that same arm and Treacle on my shoulder. How am I meant to take photos like that? Then for the first time Treacle pooped down the back of what I call my “chicken cardigan” (old and scruffy and doesn’t matter if it gets messy). I put the slightly smelly cardigan in the wash and put on my fairly new and smarter one. I went back to try again to get the shots I wanted, but tried not to crouch down as I didn’t want to mess up this cardigan.

I stood near the coop and the next minute Treacle was on the coop roof stretching out towards me. She is a determined character but I was also determined to keep my cardigan clean and stepped away. Bluebell soon joined her as she doesn’t like to miss out on anything.

Treacle and Bluebell on the coop roof

Something overhead catches their attention

A bird flew overhead and they both stretched their necks upward. I love this photo as it reminds me of the characters in the animated film “chicken run”.

This evening when my “chicken cardigan” was washed and dried, I went back in with the girls taking my camera with me. Once again as I crouched down, Treacle jumped to my shoulder. At that moment my husband came in to see what we were doing. He took the camera from me and took a couple of photos of us.

Treacle loves to get on my shoulder

Bluebell circles me looking for a way up too

I feel mean when I try to stop her doing this but with all the recent rain their feet are so muddy and that’s without an occasional poop down the back. It is lovely though that she is determined to sit on me. Bluebell always circles me going “boc boc” as she really wants to get up too. It will be nice when it’s summer again and I can sit on my little chair and let them sit on my lap once more.

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