My husband thought it would be fun if I took a photo of Rusty with my rusty chicken. My rusty chicken is on the banner at the top of my blog and is the same size as Rusty. In the photo on my banner it is also the same colour. It would have been amusing to see two such similar rusty chickens together.
But over the years my rusty chicken has turned green. They are not now the same colour but are the same size. My rusty chicken was my first chicken and I never thought back then that I would have real chickens of that size. Take a spin up to the banner above to compare with the photo below.
Not as good a photo as it would have been if my rusty chicken was still it’s original colour but I thought it would still be fun to include it.
Rusty is not very imprestWith your green rusty.Much more interested in the food.
That’s true. I bribed her with a few seeds to get her to pose next to the rusty chicken, otherwise she wasn’t impressed and moved away from it. I can’t believe the rusty chicken is now as green as the nearby bit of spinach.
Cool post. Love your green chicken.
Thank you. This post was my husbands idea.