Update on keeping out rodents and a change in Dotty

Hurrah! I think we may have cracked it. After blocking up all the holes and gaps we have stopped rats getting in. I pick up then sweep the patio each day just before the chickens go to bed, so that first thing in the morning I can check for droppings easily.

I asked on the “Down The Lane” forum if mice could get through weld mesh. Lots of people said that they could. One person said that they had read that mice have movable plates in their sculls to allow them to pass through the smallest of gaps. If their scull will go through so will the rest of their body.

For days now I have found no droppings at all and this morning I found one single mouse dropping by the feeder. From this I am concluding that mice can get through the weld mesh. I am happy if rats can’t get in and I can pick up a few mouse droppings each morning if I see any. If they can get through weld mesh, we feel there is nothing further we can do about that. I am feeling much happier about the security of the enclosure now and will continue to keep a close eye on the situation.

There also seems to be a change happening within the flock. So far Pepper has been top hen but lately Treacle has started to challenge her. Treacle has lightly pecked at Pepper a few times but Pepper doesn’t seem to be overly worried about it. Pepper and Treacle have also done a lot of running at each other with hackles raised and chests out. They seem to both be trying to take top hen position.

Treacle has also pecked at Dotty when she gets in her way at the treats feeder. All of this seems to have had the side effect of calming Dotty down. Dotty has hardly pecked at Bluebell at all over the last few days. I don’t mind which girl out of Pepper and Treacle take the position of top hen as they are both placid. I wouldn’t want to see a bully like Dotty at the top. If Treacle was top she may keep Dotty down a bit. I realize it is ever changing at the moment but it would be nice if Dotty grew out of the habit of terrorising Bluebell. I can but hope.

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