This is post one hundred!

I cant believe this is my 100th post. When I started this I wasn’t at all sure that I could do it. My son Steve insisted that I could and that he would help me. He set it up for me and showed me what to do. Steve is in I.T. which is very useful. He wrote me my own program which we call ” the blog resizer”. He knew that if it was too difficult for me to put photos on, I wouldn’t bother and he said that photos are such an important part of a blog. He showed me how to put my photos into the resizer and then onto my blog and they will always be the right size. At first I struggled and had all my instructions written down but soon got the hang of it and now no longer need them. Steve said I could call him when ever I needed his help as this was our project and helps keep us close. I did used to call him in the early days with problems but haven’t needed to for a long time now.

I got my chickens four months ago and really love having them. I wanted to record everything. I thought at first that I wouldn’t have much to say but soon found that there was always something new going on with my flock. I have totally surprised myself by how much I have written and can’t believe I have produced 100 posts in four months when I have never done anything like this before and am a complete technophobe. I have enjoyed it more and more along the way and it’s lovely to get comments sometimes too as I didn’t think anyone but my family would ever read it.

To celebrate this 100th post I thought I would put in some photos of the things my girls like doing best, apart from eating treats that is!

We love scratching together

We love dust baths together

We are ready for our close up

We love perching together

Although the second dust bath photo is a bit cropped, I loved the close up of their faces. And yes Steve, this is my best perching shot yet! I love the way that although Pepper is the only one facing me, as soon as I got close to them, they all turned to look at me. I do so love having my chickens and can’t imagine life without them now.

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2 Responses to This is post one hundred!

  1. Steve says:

    Wow I can’t believe you’ve done 100 posts already!

    I remember the days when you rang me up, and you were so frustrated because you couldn’t get the images to resize as it was all too complicated for you. I told you it would be worth it to stick through it and that it would get easier. Now it seems to have become second nature!

    I think you’ve done really well with this, and have learnt so much, not just with the blog but with the chickens too. Your chicken enclosure is so much better than mine ever was. I think it’s great that you have written such a thorough record of your chicken keeping experience and you will be able to look back on this forever.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Carol says:

    Thank you so much, that means so much to me. It makes me feel quite proud. This has become so important to me and I do think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, that is, keeping chickens as well as the blog.

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