This morning I gave our front wall a second coat of white paint. Then between us we painted in the red with me doing the edges with a small brush and my husband speeding the job on with a big brush.
Our neighbours fitted a new fence yesterday to the front drive which makes everything look even better.
We have painted the side bits red again. It’s a bit bright but it will mellow down. I think the wall is much better painted white to match the house and the slate goes well with the grey bricks and stones at the edge of the path.
At last all the work is finished. This has really brightened up the front and we are really pleased with the result.
Very very nice.
It has really brightened up the front. We are pleased with everything and feel everything that needs to be done is done now barring things breaking or going wrong.
I have seen it all for myself and it looks just great . The slabs are a lovely and the painting you did finishes it all off.
Glad you liked it. We are really thrilled with it.
You must both feel a huge sense of achievement.
We do. As well as our guys we too worked quite a bit on completing everything. It is well worth it though. We are still tweaking with a few extra plants here and there.