The chickens coming out of the coop in the morning

The morning before last, I went out to the chickens at quarter past seven in the morning and saw the automatic door open on the coop and the chickens tumble out. I wanted to photograph it so I went out yesterday just before quarter past seven, but the door was already open and the chickens were out. It must have been a darker morning, the day before. I was annoyed with myself as I had been doing indoor chores because I didn’t want to be waiting out in the cold too long for the door to open. I decided to try again this morning and went out at five past seven. The door opened at ten past seven so I had probably just missed it the day before. Once again they came out in order of size with Dotty first, quickly followed by Pepper. Bluebell was next and today Treacle didn’t come out in quite such a hurry. Bluebell looked back in as if to see what was keeping her, then Treacle was out.

Ten past seven in the morning

Dotty looks out

Pepper squeezes out behind Dotty

Bluebell is next out

Treacle is last out

They came over to say hello then went to the feeder. They never go back into the coop once out apart from pecking D.E. from the coop doorway. I hope that soon Bluebell may be going in to lay an egg but I’m not sure how much longer that will be.

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