The morning tumble

I have been going out to do my morning clean up in the coop and run at seven o’clock each day since I have had the chickens, nearly four months ago. It’s getting light later now though, so for the last week I have been doing a few indoor chores first and delaying until quarter past seven to allow for a bit more light.

This morning I went out at quarter past seven and for the first time I found the automatic door still shut. While I was wondering how long it would be before opening, I heard it start to open and thought this would be my chance to see how quickly the chickens come out. I could hear them bumping about behind the door and it was really funny to watch.

When the door was up by an inch or so, Dotty’s head appeared through the gap quickly followed by Pepper’s head (they are the smallest of the four). Dotty and Pepper then squeezed under the door as soon as it was an inch or so higher. They reminded me of cats squeezing through small gaps, flattened down to get through. Another inch and Bluebell followed by Treacle squeezed through. They were all out by the time the door had lifted to half way up.

Dotty and Pepper lunged straight to the feeder while Bluebell and Treacle came to say hello to me first which was quite sweet. They obviously can’t wait to get out in the morning. Tomorrow morning I will take the camera with me and see if I can capture this.

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