
Both Emerald and Toffee are moulting but Emerald is moulting much faster than Toffee.

Emerald and Toffee are both moulting

Emerald and Toffee are both moulting

Emerald was looking a bit shabby yesterday morning.

It's Barley's turn to share the nest box with Butterscotch

It’s Barley’s turn to share the nest box with Butterscotch

While Peaches looks on

While Peaches looks on

Barley soon laid her egg and Butterscotch sat on it until I removed it. It is so odd that whereas the girls used to make a fuss about sharing a nest box they all go and lay their eggs next to broody Butterscotch while the other nest box is empty.

I swear Butterscotch is somehow influencing them to do this.

Emerald has lost her tail

Emerald has lost her tail

A little later in the afternoon and Emerald has lost her tail completely.

Emerald has lost her tail

Emerald does look rather odd



Toffee has a few feathers sticking out but otherwise looks pretty good.

Today is the last day of worming and after the initial two worms I only ever found two more worms in one poop on the third day after I started worming. I think I must have caught it early.

I have ordered some more flubenvet as I like to keep a supply in stock just in case, like this time, I ever spot worms. Otherwise I will worm them again in November.

I am picking up loads of Emerald’s feathers from the run each day. At least the good news is that the moulting is staggered rather than them all moulting together and I am hopeful that once Butterscotch finishes her broody spell she will start laying again.

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4 Responses to Moulting

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh, I hate the molt. I totally dread it.

  2. marion.pharo says:

    They all seem to be so much more settled together since the other two left. have you seen them lately?Glad to hear you are over the worm problem. Like you said you caught it early and that makes all the diffrence.

    • They are definitely much more settled now. We haven’t had time to go over recently but Richard phoned a disposable order through and asked the guy if they were okay. He said they are fine and easy to spot as they are a totally different colour from the other bantams. We will catch up with them some time soon but it’s enough for now to know that they are okay.

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