A turf for the girls

Yesterday we were at a garden centre buying what we needed for our veg plot (a post coming soon) when I spotted some turf. I just had to get one for the girls.

I laid down the whole turf in a spot with dappled shade. The girls went straight to it to investigate.

A turf for the girls

A turf for the girls

They are loving the turf

They are loving the turf

Once the other girls had lost interest Butterscotch and Speckles had the turf to themselves

Once the other girls had lost interest Butterscotch and Speckles had the turf to themselves

A little later and four girls are on the turf

A little later and four girls are on the turf

These three girls spent the most time on the turf

These three girls spent the most time on the turf

Later in the day all six girls were back on the turf

Later in the day all six girls were back on the turf

Later that afternoon all the girls were sitting in the sun or taking dust baths but Toffee was sitting in a shaft of sunlight on the turf. I didn’t manage to get a photo but she looked very queenly sat on her comfy strip of turf.

The girls would go back to the turf throughout the day.

This morning first thing the girls were all back on the turf and as the day has gone by the grass is beginning to thin.

Today on the turf

Today on the turf

The grass is gradually getting thinner

The grass is gradually getting thinner

I think I can safely say they are all enjoying the turf. I am not sure it will last very long but eventually they can enjoy scratching the roots and soil once the grass has gone.

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4 Responses to A turf for the girls

  1. marion.pharo says:

    My goodness the girls certainly look as though they are enjoying
    the grass,I dont think it will last very long, they allso must be enjoying this
    lovely weather.

    • They are enjoying this lovely weather. They are either having massive dust bath sessions or just sitting in the sun. Like me they love to sit in the sun and will sort of lay on their side sometimes with wings stretched out soaking up the rays or sometimes just sit in a patch of sun and doze. Butterscotch had a massive dust bath and kept dozing off in between and Toffee was sat in a patch of sun dozing.

      I watered the turf this afternoon to help it last longer and they all went straight to it to eat refreshing grass and I think it must have been pleasantly cooling on their feet.

  2. David says:

    They really do love grass; I am very lucky that, although I do buy it periodically, the girls at our local grass centre text me when they have raggy rolls which they can;t sell and let me have them free of charge. I always cover part with the Christmas tree, which is still in the run, switching it every 3 days, so the grass underneath gets a chance to survive – makes it last longer.

    • You are lucky to get free grass. Good idea with the Christmas tree. I Gave them the turf just before the hot spell so it has gone brown in places now. They are still pecking at the remaining green bits though.

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