Apple bird

We have a function to cater tomorrow for forty people. They are having a fork buffet and deserts. My husband made a bird decoration from an apple to garnish one of the dishes.

Apple bird

Apple bird

Little bird

Little bird

Edible bird decoration

Edible bird decoration

Isn’t this little feller cute!

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4 Responses to Apple bird

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    That is soooooo cool! There’s a Chinese food restaurant near us that makes fish out of carrots and all kinds of creative things. I love that people have this amazing talent.

  2. Jackie says:

    I knew he was talented but not that talented ?

    • Hi is quite artistic with food. He does tomato roses and flowers from radishes. To make flowers from radishes he cuts into them then puts them in iced water in the fridge and they open up. He also does a beautiful whole salmon garnished with lemon and cucumber to look like scales. Apple bird is my favourite though.

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