Moving day

Today is the last day that my eight girls will be together. I gave them another whole cabbage which was only fifty pence from Tesco.

Another cabbage for the girls

Another cabbage for the girls

Meanwhile Honey was in the nest box even though she had laid her egg in the run earlier

Meanwhile Honey is in the nest box even though she had laid her egg in the run earlier

The girls are getting stuck into the cabbage

The girls are getting stuck into the cabbage

Barley keeps Speckles company in the nest box while Peaches watches

Barley keeps Speckles company in the nest box while Peaches watches

Speckles lays her egg

Speckles lays her egg

Barley then goes to keep Honey company

Barley then goes to keep Honey company

Honey leaves and Peaches comes in to keep Barley company

Honey leaves and Peaches comes in to keep Barley company

Toffee then takes her place in the nest box and later when I check Toffee leaves and there are Peaches, Barley’s and Toffee’s eggs. This is our first five egg day this year. Honey, Speckles, Peaches, Barley and Toffee. Well done girls.

I decided to leave it until four o’clock to take Honey and Topaz to Jackie’s so that it was just a couple of hours before bedtime.

We put them into the separated area and they were soon happily exploring, scratching and pecking at this new environment.

Chelsea was the only one of Jackie’s girls to take a brief look.

Chelsea is the only one to take a brief look at the new girls

Chelsea is the only one to take a brief look at the new girls

Topaz checks out the coop/nest box. We have one just like this!

Topaz checks out the coop/nest box. We have one (two in fact) just like this!

Honey showing off her missing neck feathers

Honey showing off her missing neck feathers

I stayed for an hour and a half while Jackie and I caught up on all the gossip and put the world to rights. My girls were happy in their holiday home and Jackie’s girls were hanging out by the patio doors having a bit of a moan.

Jackie called me before the girl’s bedtime and said that Chelsea and Topaz had had a bit of a stand off against the wire but Topaz didn’t back down. I knew she wouldn’t. Topaz thinks she is much bigger than she is and she doesn’t ever back down.

My girls went to bed leaving a gap where Honey and Topaz usually roost.

where have Honey and Topaz gone? There is a space where they normally perch

Where have Honey and Topaz gone? There is a space where they normally perch

Jackie rang me again a little later and said that Topaz first then Honey had gone into the little coop and they were snuggled up together for the night. I am so thrilled. My one reservation was that they wouldn’t go in at bedtime but I think the little coop/nest box is familiar to them and with nowhere else to go they made the right choice.

So far this has gone better than I could have hoped. A good start to this plan and hopefully more good progress to come. Thank you Jackie.

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6 Responses to Moving day

  1. Amy says:

    Oh, I’m sorry. That has to be rough. But you are so lucky to have another friend w/ chickens who will take them and keep them just the way you would.

    • I do feel really lucky to have Jackie. We plan that they will be in the separate part for a week and then I will bring Honey home and we hope the break will have knocked her down and will stop the feather pulling. Topaz will then be integrated with Jackie’s girls and provided it all goes well will stay with her flock. If she doesn’t settle I will take her back but we think she will be okay with Jackie’s flock.

  2. Jackie says:

    It is a pleasure to have them …well it was till Blssom decided she was having none of it and has screamed like a Banshy constantly . What right has she to complain since I rescued her a couple of years ago ?
    Every thing is find and it will take a couple of days for things to settle . I love that topaz she is a fighter.
    I am sure you will have Honey back within a few days as she is not so likely to settle but they are both a joy.

    • Thank you so much. I hope Blossom doesn’t give you too much trouble. I remember what she can be like. Topaz is a fighter. I am sure it will all work out. I think you will quite enjoy the challenge.

  3. Jackie says:

    I love a challenge …chickens and men ! ?

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