A momentous decision

After saying that Honey seemed to be doing more plucking than Topaz we have caught Topaz going for Emerald and Butterscotch’s necks today. Emerald now has a much longer white streak on her neck.

I am at my wits end with this. I can’t bare to think of it becoming a habit throughout the flock and ending up with all the girls plucked.

I went to Jackie’s to have a chat about it as she had half intimated on Friday that she might consider taking Topaz. She is at a stage of thinking of having more girls and has been undecided for a while and she also thinks Topaz is beautiful, which she is.

The reason that I think Topaz will be okay with Jackie’s three girls is that she is a feisty top hen who couldn’t wait to get at my flock when I was doing the introductions and in minutes had shown my big girls that she was now top hen. I feel that she will be able to stand up to big girls.

We agreed that if for any reason this didn’t work out then I would have her back and even if that happened the break from my flock may be enough to break her of the plucking and perhaps take her down a peg or two.

This has been another difficult decision but I have to do what will be in the best interests of the flock. My husband is going to visit Jackie with me tomorrow to see how we can adapt her run to separate Topaz for the beginning of introductions.

I took some photos of Topaz today with a lump in my throat but at least she will only be five minutes away for me to visit.



She is beautiful

She always looks grumpy


But she is beautiful

I am thinking of separating Honey for a while to see if I can break the habit but I am not totally convinced this will work. Worst ways I would rather have missing bottom feathers than bare necks and heads.

This is going to be a bit of trial and error but I am so lucky to have Jackie to help with this. Thank you Jackie.

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6 Responses to A momentous decision

  1. Jackie says:

    As soon as you rang me and said ” can I pop up and run something past you ” I knew you had a cunning plan.
    It is going to be a challenge but I’m sure it will be fine. Blossom who was another of your ‘thugs’ lives beautifully with my other girls and settled in easily . I am sure she will give topaz as good as she gets. Time will tell.
    Hopefully if you separate honey as well it will break the habit.
    I will be giving you an update most days.
    If you keep this up I will never need to buy another chicken again .
    It’s like my own little rescue sanctuary… Beware chicken friends with large pockets!

  2. Jenny says:

    I think this is a good decision. You’re lucky to have a chicken friend who is able to take Topaz and where you know she’ll be well looked after.

    Hopefully with Topaz gone, Honey will focus on the change in the pecking order and stop feather pulling. Good luck.

    PS – worming week for my girls. They have pellets with flubenvet so no free ranging – they are NOT impressed even though I’ve upgraded their dust bath and given them a new bag of woodchip

    • I am really lucky to have Jackie. I know she be well looked after and I can pop up and see her any time.

      I am glad my worming is done for now. Good luck with no free ranging.

  3. Flock Mistress says:

    I totally agree. Even if you remove her just a week or so from your flock, it will knock her down a rung on the ladder and I do hope this solves your issues.

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