More sharing

Today Honey and Barley wanted to lay their eggs while broody Butterscotch just wanted to sit in a nest box.

This was the result.

Honey is one nest box

Honey is in one nest box

Barley and Butterscotch share

Barley and Butterscotch share

This is good news because it means that if  we have a summer of Butterscotch going broody there won’t be a problem with the girls queueing up for the nest boxes.

The pattern here is that the other girls don’t like to share but Butterscotch is such a docile broody that she accepts sharing and she is the one the girls choose to share with. The other day Honey shared the nest box with Butterscotch. Today Barley has chosen Butterscotch to share with.

All the other girls make a fuss, lots of shouting and chasing each other out of the nest box but Butterscotch just sits quietly with no fuss at all. What a good broody girl she is.

I think the girls will manage together this summer just fine and Butterscotch will go her own sweet way without rocking any girls boat. What a sweet girl she is.

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