Four girls laying

It’s funny how much easier it is to tell which egg belongs to which girl when there are more girls laying. When there was one egg and I hadn’t seen who was in the nest box it was really difficult to tell. But now with four girls laying I can tell their eggs apart.

There would be five girls laying if Butterscotch hadn’t gone broody once more but Butterscotch’s eggs have always been easy to tell apart as they are quite distinct.

Four eggs from four girls

Four eggs from four girls

Honey’s is on the left and has a beige colour and is small and slightly pointed. The other three are all white but are different in size. Next to Honey’s egg is Barley’s small egg then Peaches bigger egg is next and on the right is Speckles large egg.

Speckles egg is almost the size of a small standard girl’s egg. Our smallest girl lays the biggest eggs. Ouch!

Each of these girls are laying an average of three eggs a week at the moment but that will probably increase as the season continues. Honey is in her fourth year of egg laying and I am really pleased that she is doing so well. By that I don’t mean because we are still getting eggs, although that is a bonus, but because she is laying without any problems. The older the girls get the more likely they are to run into egg laying problems.

I love that in a back garden flock we know our girls so well and can identify their eggs and also that they are not uniform like shop bought eggs. We embrace their eggs being different and each girl is so different too.

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