Speckles and me

Speckles loves to jump on me when I go through the gate.

Speckles jumps on me as uasual

Speckles jumps on me as usual

She is so relaxed that she is preening while on my back

She is so relaxed that she is preening while on my back

I lower her down

I lower her down

And gently tip her off while being watched by Barley

And gently tip her off while being watched by Peaches

I pick her up for a quick cuddle

I pick her up for a quick cuddle

Unfortunately she blends into my dress and I am pulling a terrible face as I think I was talking but the fact that I can pick her up shows what a long way she has come. I never dreamed when we first had her that she would become this friendly with me.

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2 Responses to Speckles and me

  1. Jackie says:

    Oh a cuddle! Well I never.
    I love her.

  2. I love her too. She is the most changed chook I have ever come across.

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