The small nest box is in use

So far the large (little coop) nest boxes have been favourite and until today no one has gone in the little nest box, apart from Butterscotch once, when I had closed the rest off.

Today though we had three girls wanting to lay, Butterscotch, Honey and Speckles. Despite how roomy the large nest boxes are the girls will not share. Butterscotch and Honey bagged the large nest boxes so Speckles settled into the small one.

Butterscotch with some pine shavings on her head

Butterscotch with some pine shavings on her head

Honey in the other large nest box

Honey in the other large nest box

Speckles is in one of the small nest boxes

Speckles is in one of the small nest boxes

Speckles with her magnificent comb

Speckles with her magnificent comb and wattles

I am really pleased to see this as it means when the large nest boxes are occupied the girls will make use of the smaller nest boxes. I had begun to wonder if they were ever going to be used so this is good news.

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2 Responses to The small nest box is in use

  1. Jackie says:

    Funny you should mention the spare box. My Bluebell after all this time has started laying in the spare little box which has not been used for a year.
    In the large coup there are two boxes and they have only ever laid in one of them , the same one ..Why ?
    You can never have too many.

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