Speckles on my shoulder

Speckles is now obsessed with her new trick of jumping on my back every time I go through the gate to the run.

This morning I closed the outer gate but the inner child gate was still open and in her eagerness to get to me she jumped on to the child gate. I thought that I would try stroking her and she allowed me to stroke both her sides with two hands. She wasn’t at all bothered by me touching her. She then jumped down from the gate and up onto my back.

A little later my husband followed with the camera to catch her in action.

Speckles on my back

Speckles on my back

I asked my husband what she was doing and he said she was looking up

I asked my husband what she was doing and he said she was looking up

She is such a funny girl

She is such a funny girl

She is looking the other way

She is looking the other way

My husband says she looks like a parrot

My husband says she looks like a parrot

She is happy to stay on me for ages. When I want to move her I duck down and gently tip her but sometimes she counter balances and manages to stay on.

In the morning she stays on me until I throw the morning handful of seeds out into the run then she flies over my head into the run and once used my head as a stepping stone. She does the same thing at bedtime when I give the girls a handful of corn.

Speckles has developed into such a lovely little character.

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