Bird bath

Since we have lived in this house (nine years) we have had a bird feeding station in the garden with two feeders filled with black sunflower seeds and one with a suet block. As a bird bath near by we have always used a chimney pot with a flower pot saucer in the top.

Every year when its gets frosty and the bird’s water freezes the saucer cracks and we buy a new one. Today while we were in Homebase we looked for a replacement but there were none the right size.

We then saw a proper bird bath and it is heavy enough to sit on top of the chimney instead of fitting inside. It has the advantage that it will be easy to clean and won’t crack in the frost. Also being bigger it may not freeze solid.

Old bird bath with the rim broken away

Old bird bath with the rim broken away

Another casualty of the frost

Another casualty of the frost

This pot was already in the garden when we moved in. It wasn’t very attractive but was free and the yew tree had self seeded in our garden. We are now going to plant it back in the garden and throw away the pot.

New bird bath

New bird bath

Looking down on the bird bath

Looking down on the bird bath

It is rather cute. I think the two little birds are to form a stepping stone. It will be interesting to see how soon it is used. I think this is a real improvement and will be more practical as well as looking better. I hope the birds like it.

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5 Responses to Bird bath

  1. Jackie says:

    I have the same in blue. Knew I had good taste.

  2. Flock Mistress says:

    Love it! Especially love that you put little birds in it so the little birds have something to stand on. They like it a bit more shallow than the bigger birds do.

    Mine has been getting lots of action as summer birds begin to arrive and winter visitors are just wrapping up their stay with us. Fattening up for their flight home to their summer breeding grounds.

    • The little birds were already in it but today I lowered the water level so that the little birds are more exposed. I probably filled it too deep as a lower level is safer for bathing as well as drinking.

      I love watching the different birds coming and going throughout the year. It is lovely when you get a lot of garden bird action throughout the seasons.

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