Speckles on my back

Today I visited Jackie’s flock then we went to the allotment to get some turf for the girls. Jackie is digging out some grass to make some more vegetable beds.

I then bought Jackie back to visit my girls. I took my camera with me to photograph the girls with the turf (my next post). Jackie could see that Speckles was about to jump on my back so she asked me to pass the camera to her.

I was really pleased that she was not only able to see Speckles latest party trick but was able to capture it on camera too.

speckles on my back

speckles on my back

This is her new trick

This is her new trick

Nearly every time I go in the run at the moment Speckles jumps on me. It’s as if now that she has discovered she can do this she wants to keep on doing it. It is really quite funny.

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2 Responses to Speckles on my back

  1. Jackie says:

    A great picture seeing as I only had a minute or two. I knew Speckles was not so shy bug was amazed at how she had changed .
    A star ..sorry butterscotch but Speckles is now number 1 .

    • I was pleased that you managed to get a few shots of her. Took me a few seconds to realise you meant “but” not “bug”. Those keys are just too close together!

      I know what you mean about Speckles moving into number 1 place. She may be bottom of the pecking order but she is number 1 to us as a little girl with loads of character.

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