
This morning I walked through the gate into the run and bent slightly to pour some hot water into the water dish as it had ice in it. Speckles jumped straight up on to my back and stayed there until I threw out a handful of sunflower seeds.

This is definitely her new thing and I will try to get a photo when I can. She was so nervous when we first had her that I struggled to get any close up photos of her. It is now the opposite as can be seen by these photos.


Speckles facing straight on

The girls always look so funny when they are facing straight on.

Speckles has an amazing comb

Speckles has an amazing comb and wattles

I love this photo and her comb is magnificent. She laid her second egg today just two days after her first and it was just as big as her first one.

Speckles now follows me around the run and when I go out of the gate I have to make sure she doesn’t follow me out. She then stands looking out at me through the gate. She has gone from being so nervous to being my friendliest girl but she is still nervous around the rest of the girls.

Speckles has become a lovely little character and it looks as if she is going to be a good egg layer too. What a lovely girl she is.

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4 Responses to Speckles

  1. Jackie says:

    I can’t believe the change in her. I have seen how nervous she was and have seen the new Speckles. She has certainly blossomed . I love my Chelsea as she connects with me
    More than the others following me and giving me all the gossip chattering away 19 to the dozen .
    You now need to train her to pass on gossip.

    • She is a bit more vocal than she used to be but she is quite a softly spoken little girl. She doesn’t shout about her egg laying like the rest of the girls. I love the change in her though. She has changed beyond what I could have imagined.

  2. David says:

    She is stunning! Her new-found confidence is unbelievable – of all of mine, there is only Galaxy who will jump up onto my knee. (I keep an old wooden deckchair for sitting in the run, observing them at leisure.)

    • Now she has discovered she can jump on me she is jumping on me every time I go through the gate. Jackie visited this afternoon and managed to get a couple of photos. The change in her is the most I have ever seen among my girls.

      It must be nice to have Galaxy jump on your knee.

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