The chickens have pruned the shrubs

The chickens have taken all the leaves from the shrubs to the height that they can reach. They will often do a standing jump, straight up, to peck a bit more. The sage remained untouched for a long time as the leaves were too tough for them. As the chickens beaks have got stronger, we noticed the leaves were starting to get pecked. In a very short time the sage was completely stripped.

This once lush sage is completely bare



The shrubs are pruned to chicken beak height

The parsley pot has made a comeback though, after being stipped twice by the chickens.

The parsley is recovering nicely, again.

I have been trying unsuccessfully to get some close ups of the girls, but the one shot I did manage was Pepper in the apple tree.

Pepper likes to sit in the apple tree

It’s only Pepper and Dotty that like to get into the tree. Treacle and Bluebell have never shown any interest in the it. I love the little whiskers each side of Peppers undeveloped comb. She is developing wattles too.

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