Doran Farm

We recently found out about another farm near us that breeds bantams. It’s in Barkham, near Wokingham which is a half  hour drive from us.

I phoned Kirstin, the breeder and asked her if we could go and see her birds.

Her web site shows that she has serama, Dutch bantam and Japanese bantams among her breeds. I wanted Dutch bantams a few years ago but couldn’t find a farm nearby that bred them.

We wanted to see what she had for future reference so that when we are ready to add to the flock (if we have any losses) we will know where to go.

I researched the breeds that she had and absolutely fell in love with the seramas but unfortunately they are not cold hardy and need to be kept inside in the winter so this would make them unsuitable for us.

The Dutch bantams turned out to be bearded Dutch bantams and although they were cute I really prefer chickens that are not bearded. It isn’t a look that appeals to me. Also she only had black and I like pretty colours.

She didn’t have any Japanese bantams at this time which would be my preferred choice but it may be that when we are ready for new girls she may have some different breeds.

Both the Dutch bantams and the serama are really tiny and are smaller than my girls.

Bearded Dutch bantams

Bearded Dutch bantams

One little cockeral

One little cockerel in the middle

These are tiny

These are tiny

Beautiful seramas

Beautiful seramas

There is a white silkie in with them

There is a white silkie in with them

My photos aren’t great but they give an idea of them. I think these are so pretty. They don’t breed true to colour so you never know what colours you are going to get.

It was very good of Kirstin to show us round when we are not yet ready to buy. She is passionate about her breeds and has won awards at shows for some of her birds. It was lovely to see her birds and it is good to know that there is another bantam breeder within a reasonable distance of us.

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2 Responses to Doran Farm

  1. Jackie says:

    They are so tiny . Not sure that bearded ones would be for me either .

  2. It’s difficult to see by the photos how tiny they are but I would say that they are a third smaller than my girls. Kirstin said that true bantams (which don’t have a larger version) are the smallest of all. Seabrights are amongst these which are another breed I would like but can’t find nearby. Bearded breeds have never appealed to me.

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