Update on bedtime and characters

Last night and tonight all four chickens had gone in to the coop before the door shut. Last night we opened the side panel to check that Treacle had enough space. As always Pepper and Dotty were on the top perch and Bluebell and Treacle on the bottom perch. Treacle was facing the side of the coop with her tail out in to the open centre space so I don’t think the problem is a lack of space. When I used to spend time with them at bedtime they did like to go up on the coop roof before going in. I wonder if Treacle sometimes goes up there and either nods off or can’t be bothered to come down again. Who knows what goes on in a chicken brain?

Pepper has become very vocal when we have visitors. Even if our visitor just stands in the gateway rather than inside the enclosure, she very loudly and crossly “boc bocs”. Pepper is the one to chatter and she doesn’t like to have unfamiliar people in her space. I have come to notice that Treacle our biggest girl is very quiet. Treacle rarely ever chats but she looks! She comes up to me and moves her head to one side and the other constantly, looking at me. Bluebell is vocal when she is upset, usually when Dotty is chasing her off the treats or when she wants to get on my lap but Treacle is taking up all the space. Dotty is only just getting her grown up voice so it will be interesting to see if she is as vocal as Pepper.

Pepper is also getting much more receptive to being stroked. She used to be really skittish but will now allow me to stroke her sides. Treacle also likes to be stroked and bluebell only occasionally. Dotty side steps and won’t allow any stroking at all. Again it will be interesting to see if this changes when she matures or if it is just her character.

The other thing I have noticed is that Treacle and Bluebell are much more interested in what I am doing. When I have the side of the coop off for cleaning they are looking through the door. If I am cleaning through the door they are looking in the side where as Pepper and Dotty take no notice. Treacle and Bluebell follow me round as I do my chores and when I duck under the big perch to clean up they jump on to it and watch me closely.

They never cease to entertain me and I love watching them develop their personalities. I also love it when they let me get so close to them and greet me so enthusiastically (even though half the time it’s see if I have brought them a treat). Chickens are just the best and that’s even before we have had any of the wonderful eggs!

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2 Responses to Update on bedtime and characters

  1. Steve says:

    “Who knows what goes on in a chicken brain?”

    Well, when I used to have my chickens, sometimes I would open the run at both ends to let them out. Quite often one of them would get ‘stuck’ and pace up and down the inside, not being able to find the exit, even though they just had to walk a few more steps in either direction.

    This leads me to believe that the answer to your question is ‘not a lot’!

  2. Carol says:

    I know, but sometimes they seem to be really smart. Then the next minute, so dim! The chicken brain is a wonderful thing! You have to laugh!

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