Today there was a communal dust bathing session going on in the run. As usual each girl was in her own spot except for Peaches and Barley. As allways they were as close together as they could get.
These two girls are such twin spirits. Note their combs are now getting red again. I am hopeful of some egg laying soon.
Nice that they’ve got dry earth for their dust-bathing; they look really contented and Peaches and Barley are certainly coming back into condition, so eggs should not be too far off.
I feel frustrated that so much of the run gets wet but am also grateful that there is a big enough dry area for all eight girls to dust bath at once if they want to. Topaz and Emerald were also dust bathing but were so much nearer to where I was standing that I couldn’t get them all in one photo. It amuses me that Peaches and Barley always dust bath together and they preen each other too. They really are so inseparable.