The bedtime battle continues

Last night I spent time with the girls earlier, again. The only problem for me with this, is they were just winding down and becoming receptive to sitting on my lap, when it was time to go in to get dinner ready. Bluebell sat on my lap once and Pepper looked like she wanted to as well, but I feel as their bedtime gets earlier, we can continue with this and at the moment I feel sorting out the bedtime routine is more important.

After dinner, we went out to check on them. It was half past seven and the coop door was open, but Treacle and Bluebell were settled on the coop roof again! Pepper and Dotty were inside. I just can’t understand why these two have suddenly decided that they want to roost on top of the coop. They had been going in the coop to bed, like clockwork for the last three months. At quarter to eight the door started to shut, so I got my husband to hold it open while I first lifted down Bluebell and put her in, then lifted down Treacle, put her in and closed the door. We will keep going out to do this each evening until we break this habit. Although the enclosure is predator proof, I really want the chickens to sleep inside the coop. I am determined to try to nip this new habit in the bud. We will see what tonight brings!

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