Adjusting the bedtime routine

Yesterday we altered the sensor on the timer of the automatic door closer, just a tiny bit, in the hope that it will give the chickens a longer gap, between them going to bed and the door closing. I also decided to go out and spend time with them earlier (before our evening meal instead of after), this is because I think that when I am with them at bed time, it distracts them and I think they will settle in more quickly if I am not there.

This does mean that they are not so receptive to sitting on my lap as they only do this when they are winding down for bed, but as the nights continue to draw in, the timing will change again. My husband suggested that I try giving some dried meal worms from my lap to encourage Pepper and Dotty to jump up. I thought this cheating as I want them to come without enticement, but as it was too early for them anyway, I decided just this once to give it a go. Treacle and Bluebell were involved scratching in the garden but Pepper and Dotty were hanging around by me, so I dropped a few meal worms on to my lap. Pepper reached up and took one but Dotty briefly jumped on to my lap and took a few.  It’s not quite the same but anything that gets them used to being handled by me is a good thing.

I spent time with them between half past six and seven, then went in to eat. We went out at half seven to check on them and were all in and very quiet, so were settled already. The door was still open and I went out at ten minute intervals to check on it. At eight it had shut, so I think half an hour is a good enough gap. I also think they settled more quickly because I wasn’t there to distract them. I will keep up the new routine and see how it works out. I may also go out early one morning and just check on what time it is opening.

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