Getting to bed on time

Last night I decided that as Dotty had got shut out of the coop the night before, I would go back half an hour after the chickens went to bed, to make sure they were still all in.

Again it’s a good job I did. This time the door was closed and Treacle and Bluebell were settled on the roof of the coop. I tried calling them down but they were having none of it, they were nicely settled. Treacle was nearest me, so I lifted her down and tucked her under my arm so that I could open the door with the other hand. I pushed her in and shut the door. She wanted to come out again but no chance. I then did the same with Bluebell. At least it was easy to pick them up from the roof. This means we will have to tweak the sensor on the door, which is a bit of a nuisance because I will have to go out at ten minute intervals to see when it closes and it may take a little while to get it just right.

On a more positive note, Pepper looked like she really wanted to jump on to my lap last night. She had seemed to lose interest since that first time and I thought maybe that was a one off, but last night she kept circling me and rocking as if to jump, then changed her mind and went in to the coop. I think with the nights drawing in, the chickens and I are trying to adjust to a different routine, but I think when the timing is right Pepper will come to my lap again.

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