Last night

Last night the girls went to bed at half seven, which is half an hour earlier than a few weeks ago. We are still trying for the elusive photo of Pepper and Dotty on my lap but they are not going along with that one! From the first time that Bluebell, then Treacle sat on my lap they have done so every evening since, when I have sat in with them, but Pepper and Dotty have not yet repeated it and I am beginning to wonder if they will again. Last night they were very distracted by my husband being there with the camera and they behave differently when he is there as well (but of course I can’t get photos without him). First he was stood by the apple tree with his hand leaning on the tree. Suddenly Pepper, then Dotty jumped into the tree, which they like to do. They were not at all bothered by my husbands hand and sat on it, which a while back they would never have had the confidence to do.

Pepper sat on my husbands arm which was resting against the tree

My husband had the camera so took this himself. He then moved next to the coop. Lately the girls like to get on the roof of the coop at bedtime. Bluebell as usual was first up on the coop roof. My husband offered his arm as a perch and she stepped on.

Bluebell perches on husbands arm

Next up was Treacle, so husband offered his arm to her and she too hopped on.

Treacle on husbands arm

Both Treacle and Bluebell perch on husbands arm while Dotty joins them on the roof

Treacle on husbands shoulder

Treacle soon jumped to my husbands shoulder. Soon after this they all decided it was time for bed. I think it will take a lot of time and patience to get Pepper and Dotty to come to my lap again. They all seem to prefer the roof of the coop at the moment.

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