Update on bullying, automatic door opener and introducing an apple

Since I have been using the water spray when the chickens are at the feeders, I haven’t seen Dotty do any pecking at all, hurrah! The problem now is that Treacle has started pecking instead and when I spayed her she seemed to think that I was trying to keep her away from the feeders rather than associating it with the pecking. She would run off and stay away and sometimes it panicked them all into running away. Looks like we have a way to go with this!

Since the evening when the door of the coop automatically closed, really soon after the chickens went in, I have been going up to check at five minute intervals to try to establish the gap between them going in and the door closing. Last night the girls went in at seven forty five and the door closed at ten past eight so I think the gap is okay. Looking back at the photos of that evening, I can see that it was darker than usual as it had been a stormy day. I also think if I am not there to distract the chickens they tend to go in sooner anyway.

One of the nice thing about chickens is that they don’t bare a grudge and even though I sprayed Treacle with water during the day she still came to my lap and snuggled in close to me. She stays with me until the rest have all gone to bed. Pepper really looked like she wanted to jump up too, she kept circling me and rocking as if about to but couldn’t quite pluck up enough courage. It would be so nice if she does come to me as she is the most timid of them all, but she has been getting much closer to me lately.

Today I gave them an apple, cut in half. Pepper seemed to like it best followed by Bluebell. Occasionally Dotty would have a peck of it but Treacle seemed completely uninterested.

Pepper is the first to try the apple

Bluebell is next to try the apple

Pepper likes the apple best

I wonder how long the apple will last!


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2 Responses to Update on bullying, automatic door opener and introducing an apple

  1. Amy says:

    Keep up the good work. It’s a constant challenge dealing with pecking. And you’ll probably never get it fully under control. This morning I took chopped spinach stems to the girls. I usually put it one or two big piles, but this morning I put a handful in about 8 different places around their run. That way, EVERYONE can get some.

    You’ll find that some treats work better some ways. And you’ll learn what treats are each hen’s favorites. I have one who LOVES banana. I mean, stand clear from Coco if you go out there w/ a banana cuz she will roll you for it.

    So keep up the good work. They all look really healthy and happy to me.

  2. Carol says:

    Thank you for your encouragement.

    I am already seeing favourites. Dotty loves tomatoes best while Bluebell loves lettuce best. They all love raisins except Treacle, who has no interest in them.

    I haven’t tried banana yet, must try it soon.

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