Three days ago I gave the girls another sprout stalk from the allotment. They immediately set to work on it.
Three days later the sprout stalk is pretty comprehensively stripped and yet it still gets attention before bedtime.
Despite being bare the girls are still pecking at the sprout stalk. I have long ago learned never to take anything away too soon. Things that look done to us still have extra value to be got by the girls. I only remove things when they completely stop getting any attention.
I think we can safely say the girls have had good value from their sprout stalk.
Mmmmm, such happy hens.
It’s amazing how much fun they can get from so little and it is lovely to watch.
They clearly loved that – as you say, it takes so very little to give them an immense amount of pleasure.
It does take so little to keep them happy and things like the sprout stalk are good because it keeps their interest for days.