Jackie has new girls

Jackie has been trying to make up her mind for ages if the time is right for getting new girls. Finally she had made up her mind and we arranged to go and collect them this morning.

We set off on our adventure with my dog crate and our cameras to Willow Court Farm where Jackie got her new girls at this time last year. Jackie was thinking of getting a ginger and a bluebell but when we arrived the farmer said the only hybrids ready for sale at the moment were the ginger girls. They are warrens crossed with columbian blacktails.

As ginger girls have always been a favourite of Jackie’s she was happy to take two of them.

Ginger Chickens

Ginger Chickens

Jackie with the first ginger girl to be caught

Jackie with the first ginger girl to be caught

Two ginger girls ready for the journey home

Two ginger girls ready for the journey home

The farm has a variety of animals as well as poultry.

The pigs

The pigs

A young goat

A young goat

Some very friendly goats

Some very friendly goats

A Peacocks and hen just out of the photo

A Peacocks and hen just out of the photo

Holiday homes for chickens

Holiday homes for chickens

The farm also a offers a holiday service. They will look after your hens in these holiday homes while you are away and they worm them during their stay here.

The new girls in their new home

The new girls in their new home

The girls went into their new home happily and soon found the food bowl and the water. Jackie had already picked out names for them. She is calling one Ruby as it is her ruby wedding anniversary this year and the other April a it is her birthday in April. I thought these were pretty names. One of the girls is darker than the other so Jackie decided the darker one will be Ruby and the lighter one will be April.

Ruby and April

Ruby and April

I stayed a while and the other girls were chatting about the new girls but not shouting. It all seemed to go very well.

Jackie e-mailed me this evening and said that they were noisy for a while this afternoon but it calmed down again and once the old girls went to bed Jackie put the new girls in their temporary coop. As Jackie said tomorrow is another day and she will keep me posted.

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4 Responses to Jackie has new girls

  1. Jackie says:

    It was a lovely bright morning , perfect timing ( pity about the mud)
    I wanted to get them before the days got lighter. My thinking was that shorter days would be less stressful for them all and less time for the old girls to scream and shout .
    First day was noisy for the first hour or two but settled down by night time. They are all tucked up and ready for their new life .. Thanks again for the trip out .

    • Carol says:

      I couldn’t use a lot of my photos (polish hens and odd looking ducks) as they were straight into the sun and washed out. I had to wash my boots when I got home.

      It was an enjoyable trip out though and a pleasure to help you collect your new girls.

      I am sure they will be one flock fairly soon and you will love having them and watching them mature. There is something so lovely about young chickens and of course all our chickens at any age.

  2. David says:

    Lovely-looking birds, which I’m sure will bring much pleasure. The farm gets fantasic reviews on Trip Adviser: wish I were nearer!

    • Carol says:

      It is a really lovely farm. The only bantams they have though are the polish with their crazy top knots. Jackie’s new girls are lovely and are settling in really well without too much fuss from the old girls.

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