Emerald’s first egg of the year

Today I found Emerald’s first egg of the year in the corner of the chicken shed next to Freckles egg.

Emerald’s first egg of the year on the left and Speckles egg on the right

Emerald’s egg is shorter and wider than Speckles and has a little more colour although that doesn’t show in the photograph. I knew she would lay soon after her practice.

Whereas Speckles has laid all her eggs in the nest box Emerald laid her egg in the corner of the chicken shed next to Freckles egg. This seems to be the trend at the moment. Well done Emerald!

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Emerald’s turn to practice

I think that Emerald will start laying soon. Like Speckles she is practising. She was going from one nest box to the other whilst placing pine shavings on her back. At one point she was outside of the nest box reaching in and picking up shavings to place on her back.

Emerald with pine shavings on her back

She didn’t actually sit in the nest box but she is obviously getting ready to start laying again. I think she will start any day now.

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Happy Mother’s Day to mothers every where

My two lovely sons are not nearby this Mother’s Day. My youngest son and his fiancee are on holiday abroad and my eldest son, his wife and my lovely grandson live in Cambridge.

I am feeding the rabbits for my youngest son and this package was left on the dining table for me.

Mother’s Day gift number one

Yesterday this parcel was delivered, addressed to me and it had a label on top saying “Do not open until March 11th”.

Very intriguing Mother’s Day gift number two

Gift number one

Gift number two

Gift without it’s lid

What lovely thoughtful gifts. The daisy grow kit has instructions saying that the five strongest seedlings should be left in the pot and the rest can be transplanted into the garden so that will add a splash of colour to the garden too.

The chocolate gift box has a bottle of prosecco and lots of luxury chocolates which will be very much enjoyed.

What lovely gifts and what a lucky mum I am. I would like to wish all the mums everywhere a Happy Mother’s Day.

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Favourite egg laying spots

I had almost forgotten how different an egg laying flock is to a winter flock. Throughout winter the flock is quiet and harmonious. As soon as egg laying resumes the noise level goes up.

There is the shouting because two or more girls want to lay in the same spot, there is sometimes shouting from one girl letting everyone know another girl is laying but most of all there is shouting if one girl is in the egg laying spot coveted by another girl.

The first eggs this year were laid in the nest box nearest to the chicken shed. The girls didn’t need to lay at the same time so all was calm. Then there was a sudden switch to the favourite corner of the chicken shed for Freckles and Cinnamon. There are of course four corners in the chicken shed but only one corner ever gets used for egg laying. Why this corner is the favourite I have no idea!

This morning Freckles was shouting. I knew she was ready to lay as she had laid two days ago and she was very vocal first thing. I went up to see what the fuss was about. Oh dear! Cinnamon was in her favourite spot. Cinnamon had laid her egg there yesterday so I was surprised that she would be laying again although just occasionally she does lay two days running.

Cinnamon in the favourite corner of the chicken shed

Freckles also wants this corner

Freckles usurps Cinnamon and settles in herself

I lifted Cinnamon to see if there was an egg, just in case she was sitting on Freckles egg, but there wasn’t. Once Freckles was settled and Cinnamon was back out I lifted Freckles to see if Cinnamon had laid but there was no egg. Cinnamon must have had a false alarm.

A little later Freckles was back out in the run and when I checked there was Freckles, round shaped, egg in the corner. All was quiet once more until the next time!

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A sign of spring

Spring has come so late this year. Our miniature daffodils are only just starting to open and the regular size daffodils are still green. In past years we have had daffs in flower at the end of January and certainly in February.

Miniature daffs

Better late than never though! They are a very welcome sign of spring.

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Eggs glorious eggs and spring at last

Speckles laid her second egg today only two days after the first and if anything it’s even bigger. Freckles and Cinnamon are laying almost every other day too. I am so impressed with this because looking back on my egg chart, Speckles laid her first two eggs of the year, a week apart last year.

Maybe it’s because everything has started a little later this year. Maybe it’s because we are finally experiencing spring like weather.

Speckles second egg on the left

Freckles, Cinnamon’s and Speckles eggs

It is so good to be getting regular eggs again. Hopefully I won’t need to buy any more eggs for a while.

Today is the first day that it has really felt spring like in the garden. The frost and snow finally left us to be replaced with grey skies and rain. This afternoon the sun was shining. It felt like a surprise and suddenly felt like spring is in the air.


Although these snowdrops are past their best it’s the first time they have really opened as they finally have some sun on them.

Pink hellebore

This pink hellebore is stunning in the sunshine.

White hellebore

Eggs and spring sunshine, hurrah!

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We almost have an abundance of eggs

Yesterday Speckles laid her first egg of the year and today both Freckles and Cinnamon laid an egg. I couldn’t resist another photo.


Freckles and Cinnamon’s eggs on the left, Speckles next and a shop bought, medium sized, egg on the right for comparison. Oh how lovely it is to have eggs again.

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Speckles first egg of the year and a rush of hormones

Once again Speckles went straight to the grit this morning. I really felt that today she was going to get her first egg of the year laid and I was right. I checked the nest box mid morning and there was a long, pointed, white, egg. I think the shape shows that this egg has taken a couple of days to be laid.

I wanted to be able to do a comparison in size of the little girls’ eggs and Speckles first egg when I thought that she was going to lay yesterday morning. As she didn’t get the job done yesterday and we wanted to eat the little girls’ eggs for Sunday breakfast I came up with a plan for a comparison. I took a photo of the five little girls’ eggs in small round dish and decided to photograph Speckles egg in the same dish once she finally got it laid.

Five little girls’ eggs in a tapas dish on Sunday

Speckles egg in the tapas dish on Monday

Speckles egg next to a medium shop bought egg

Speckles egg and the medium shop bought egg in the egg stand

For a bantam Speckles lays a huge egg. I bet she was glad to get that laid.

Egg laying brings a rush of hormones to the girls and sometimes changes their behaviour. I have seen firm friends suddenly have little spats once one or both start laying. Honey and Amber, my  bantam vorwerks, were inseparable little friends until the egg laying started and then suddenly they raised their ruffs to each other and had a few little spats.

When Freckles started laying last year she suddenly started plucking at Rusty’s head feathers. She effectively gave Rusty a haircut as she snipped her head feathers rather than pulling them out. Thankfully this didn’t last long.

The day Freckles laid her first egg this year she started to do the same thing to Apricot. She has given her the same haircut. I hate to see this and am really hoping that like with Rusty this will soon pass.

Apricot has a hair cut

The dark head feathers, which in silky feathered girls, are more like hairs have been snipped. This was exactly how Rusty looked but it didn’t get any worse so I am really hoping that the same will be the case this time.

I have said in the past that I wondered if once Speckles started laying again the mother hen relationship with the little girls may finally change. I was right. Last week we remarked how unusually unselfish Speckles was still being with her little girls. She even dropped bits of chopped grape in front of them which is unknown for most hens.

Yesterday for the first time she went for Apricot and even pulled a few feathers from her back. Today she briefly pinned Cinnamon down. Later when I hand fed the girls some spinach she was taking it aggressively and pecked Freckles on the head when she got in her way. Cinnamon came to take some and she glared at her causing Cinnamon to run away.

This afternoon when I gave out the bedtime corn it was the first time that Speckles didn’t call the little girls over and drop corn in front of them. Speckles just got stuck into the corn along with the other girls.

I think her mother hen position has come to an abrupt end. She has been in this role since Peaches and Barley, the other two bigger girls, left the flock last May. She has played at being a mum to the little girls for ten months which is much longer than any real mother hen would do. It’s quite sad to see this change but it is natural. I think there may be a little less harmony from now on but I guess she couldn’t be mum forever.

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Speckles is getting ready to lay

This morning I let the girls out and gave them the morning sunflower hearts then Speckles went straight to the grit. She then went into the nest box and started picking up pine shavings and placing them on her back. I knew this meant that she was getting ready to start laying.

Speckles is back in the nest box

Speckles is placing pine shavings on her back

Chickens do this from their instinct in the natural world to hide themselves while vulnerable while laying their egg. We always smile and say that we can no longer see whichever girl has a little heap of shavings on her back.

This is a sure sign that an egg will be arriving soon. I really expected to find an egg when I went back to check but Speckles was back out in the run and there was no egg in the nest box. It seems that she is just practising but I am expecting an egg from her very soon.

Today the rest of the snow has melted and it has been so nice to have higher temperatures. The soil in the run has softened again and the patio area seems so light. We connected the automatic door opener again and everything seems back to normal for now. Perhaps spring is finally on it’s way.

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A thaw at last

It was so good to go out this morning to find that the snow was already starting to thaw. I let the girls out, poop picked the chicken shed and then closed the shed door for the first time in days. I returned the food and water dish to their usual spot on the patio.

The patio area was dark and gloomy from the snow on the roof but the run was light. I decided to dig the top part of the run for the girls to go out in. I soon realised that they wanted to go to the bottom part of the run where it was lighter still so I ended up digging the whole run to get rid of as much snow as I could.

I then set about clearing the snow from the patio roof. Because its corrugated plastic it isn’t an easy job. We keep a section of drain pipe with a bend on the end for this. I went up the step ladder and had to clear each groove individually with the bend of the pipe. I started  at half way across the width and pushed the snow to the far edge. I then went back to the half way point and pulled the snow towards to me.

Once I had finished clearing the roof the patio area was much lighter. It took me an hour to complete all these jobs.

When I went back up to the chickens a little later Speckles was missing. I then noticed that Emerald was looking in the nest box so I lifted the lid and there was Speckles settled in the nest box. More eggs on the horizon?

I went back indoors to get my camera but as soon as I lifted the lid Speckles rose up towards me.

What are you looking at!

The photo is out of focus because Speckles was moving but you get the gist. Notice how red her comb is now. As I had disturbed her she promptly left the nest box and Emerald went in.

Emerald takes a look at the nest box

I think at this stage Speckles is just getting familiar with the nest box in readiness to start laying soon. When I next went up to the girls Speckles and Emerald were having a dust bath.

Speckles and Emerald have a dust bath

It must be so nice for the girls to have a proper dust bath again.  They had been using the space under the shelters at the beginning of the bad weather. When most of the run was frozen the area inside the shelters stayed unfrozen which is another handy bonus of the shelters.

However after being confined to the patio area and chicken shed for the last couple of  days it must have been good to get out into the run for a proper dust bath.

The next time I checked on the girls Freckles was in the nest box and Cinnamon was in and out of the other nest box.

Freckles in the nest box

Cinnamon in the other nest box

And coming out again

Shortly after this Freckles laid her typically, round egg, the second this year. Freckles is a no nonsense girl when it comes to her egg laying. She settles in the nest box and quite quickly gets the job done. Cinnamon however likes to spend a bit of time deciding which is the best place to lay her egg. She will be in and out several times before settling down.

Notice how red Freckles and Cinnamon’s combs are. In fact all the girls’ combs are getting more colour. Even Dandelion’s comb is getting some colour and Emerald’s tiny comb has turned from white to pink.

Dandelion’s comb has a bit of colour

Emerald’s comb is pink

When I next checked the girls Cinnamon had just laid her egg. I think she had been waiting to have the favourite nest box, nearest the chicken shed, which all the eggs have been laid in so far this year.

Cinnamon has just laid her egg

Freckles has now laid two eggs and Cinnamon three. We have five little eggs for Sunday breakfast tomorrow. I wasn’t expecting to get enough for breakfast quite so soon. It will be a lovely treat.

Not to miss out Apricot, even her comb is a peach colour.

Apricot’s comb is a peach colour

The snow is thawing fast and dripping in to the run. The garden path is slushy and dirty. Rain is forecast tonight and tomorrow so the snow will soon get washed away. It is so nice not to need to worry about defrosting the chickens’ water.

Tomorrow will be day five on the tylan so I will make it the last day. Dandelion seems back to normal today so I think the girls are going to be okay and I think we will soon be getting more eggs. Everything is getting back to normal, hurrah!

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