Day three of perching

Because our evening meal needed my attention I didn’t end up going out to the girls until after we had eaten. It was already quite dark and the amigos were already in their heap in the far corner of the chicken shed.

Tonight we have an easy dinner and I will go out before we eat to try to catch the amigos as  they are going in the shed.

I perched the amigos making sure that Vanilla and Salmon were not on the outside. I took a couple of photos straight away. Because it is dark I can’t see what I am photographing so I use the flash and simply point the camera in the right direction. I usually take two in quick succession in case one is blurred and then choose the best one.

It wasn’t until I had taken two photos that I realised that Spangle had jumped down. I kept both photos as I find it amusing to see how the girls are looking around.

Looking around

Where is Spangle off to?

I put Spangle back on the perch. It seems that it’s the girls on the outside that are more likely to jump down.

Vanilla was next to jump down and I replaced her on the perch. After that the girls stayed  perched.

Ready to settle for the night

The amigos are staying on the perch more quickly which isn’t bad for only night three. Tonight I will try to get them to the perch earlier. I am gradually doing this earlier each evening.

I am happy with their progress and confident that they will get the hang of it soon.

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The second evening teaching the amigos to perch

last night I went out again after dark and moved the amigos from the back corner to the perch. This time I made sure that Salmon and Vanilla were in the middle of the group. I put Smoke and Spangle on the outsides as these two girls are the bravest girls. They are always the first to try anything new.

This strategy worked for Salmon as she stayed put. Only Vanilla jumped down and the other four stayed on the perch. Again I would close the door then a minute later take a peek in. Three times Vanilla jumped down and I replaced her back on the perch.

On the fourth time that she jumped down I opened the door to see her trying to jump back up in the dark. I helped her up and checked back a minute later to find all the girls still perched. I left it another minute then checked again and they were still all perched.

The amigos all stayed on the perch

As it was dark I guessed where to shoot a photo so it’s a bit cropped but it shows their positions. I am really pleased that on only the second night they have stayed perched.

Tonight I will change strategy slightly and try perching them a bit earlier. I will see what happens if I try to perch them when they first go in before it’s properly dark. I hope that this may help to teach them to perch by themselves.

This will be ongoing for a while but I feel certain that we will get there soon.

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Teaching the five amigos to perch at bedtime

For a while I have been thinking that I need to teach the five amigos to perch at bedtime. I had hoped they would start doing it on their own but instead they have moved from settling in the front corner of the chicken shed to settling in the back corner of the chicken shed.

Last night I decided to wait until after dark when they were properly settled and lift them from their corner to the perch.

The five amigos in a heap in the back corner

The amigos on the perch

I closed the door quickly and waited outside for a few moments then peeked in. Salmon who is closest in the photo had dropped down from the perch. I picked her up and placed her back on the perch.

I waited again and checked again and three times Salmon dropped down. I didn’t want her to sleep alone or underneath the others in the line of poop so I replaced her again and went indoors. I decided to wait five minutes and then check again.

When I returned both Salmon and Vanilla were snuggled up together in the far corner. The remaining three were still on the perch. I decided to leave them like that. Salmon and Vanilla could keep each other warm and be company for each other and were now out of the line of poop.

I didn’t take any more photos as I didn’t want to disturb them any more. It is funny that it is the two outside girls that didn’t stay on the perch and I wonder if they felt less secure.

I am taking this as a partial success as three out of five girls stayed on the perch. It will be interesting to see what they do tonight.

I will keep this up now that I have started as I would like to get them all perched before winter. I don’t want them to be sat in poop during the longer nights and would like them all together so that they can keep each other warm.

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More about the berries

My mum asked what the plant is, in my last post, with the pretty multi coloured berries. I couldn’t remember as we bought it years ago and we couldn’t even remember where we got it from so I googled it.

It is called amur peppervine but is commonly known as porcelain berries vine or wild grape. It is related to the grape vine. Birds and squirrels relish the berries but they are inedible to us. It is a fast growing climber with tendrils, for clinging, like sweet peas. It is deciduous so loses it’s leaves in winter. It is grown for the coloured berries but we are lucky that ours is variegated so the foliage is very pretty too.

Amur peppervine

Ours has grown huge

Another interesting berry in our garden is the himalayan honeysuckle. This has burgundy, hop like, flowers which then produce berries that ripen to dark brown then almost black. They are edible and are sweet with a slightly chocolate flavour. Again the birds love them and in our garden it is the black birds that make the most of them.

When I first read that they were edible and tasted of chocolate I decided to give them a try. They do taste vaguely of chocolate and are sweet and juicy but they are so small that they would be very tedious to bother with. Best leave them to the birds. I love this for the late summer colour.

Himalayan honeysuckle

We also planted a new plant last year at the edge of the vegetable plot where nothing much ever did well and it was always a dull corner. It didn’t really get going last year but this year it has given us another  welcome splash of late colour.

Another late splash of colour

It is lovely to see colour in the garden at this time of year when it feels like summer’s end.

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A good year for berries

It seems to be a really good year for berries of all sorts. When I look out of our bedroom window the roses are now a mass of rose hips.

The climbing plants on the fence opposite our kitchen window are loaded with berries and they are so pretty.

Shiny red berries

Pink, mauve and blue berries

They remind me of jelly beans. I am not about to eat them any time soon though!

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The girls love spring greens

I give the girls greens every morning. I usually give them some spinach and some big spring green leaves. I put spinach on the patio area which is devoured quickly and big leaves in the run to keep the girls occupied.

By the end of the day just the centre stalks are left as the greens are picked clean.

I spread them around on both sides of the wire so that all the girls get a chance at them. It is interesting to see the different groups in action.

Speckles is firmly top girl. She is happy to share her leaf with Dandelion and Cinnamon. They have been together the longest and she has mothered them at times and seems to regard them as her girls. She will share with them easily.

However she won’t allow any other girl on her leaf. She chases off Ebony and Flame. She chases off the silky girls and the five amigos don’t dare to get close.

The silky girls will share a leaf and the amigos will rush in and steal a bit. The amigos do get leaves to themselves when the other girls lose interest.

Ebony and Flame will share and the silky girls are brave enough to move in too but not the amigos.

The amigos are the bottom girls. The silky girls are next. Ebony and Flame are next and  Dandelion and Cinnamon are above them with Speckles firmly at the top.

It is amusing because Speckles came in at the bottom and was afraid of her own shadow. She was beneath the smaller girls at that time. As she is now the longest serving member of the flock she has worked her way up to top position and isn’t at all fazed by Ebony’s sturdier size. She is now a very confident top girl.

I couldn’t get photos without some blurring because all the girls were pecking with their heads constantly bobbing.

Speckles shares with Dandelion and Cinnamon

The three are happily pecking together

Flame sneaks a bit of leaf

The silky girls share another leaf

Spangle has just nicked a small bit of leaf and has it in her beak.

Ebony moves in

Marmite manages to take a bit of leaf

All the girls get a share at different times but it is interesting to see the pecking order at work.

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Our vintage crockery

We have been catering together for twenty years but have been doing afternoon teas on vintage crockery for the last five years. We also hire it out if people want to use it with their own afternoon tea.

It came about when we did an afternoon tea for a wedding and they wanted to hire vintage crockery for it but found it too expensive. We lent them our own vintage set for their top table and used our standard crockery for the rest of the tables.

We decided to start collecting vintage crockery at antique shops and charity shops to provide our own service and we made it more affordable.

We decided that we would need enough for between 100 and 120 as that was likely to be the largest number for a wedding.

A school that we catered events for asked for a couple of afternoon teas from us and liked them so much that they asked if we could supply afternoon tea on vintage crockery for their speech day/prize giving event as a treat for the parents and students at the end of the event. They asked us if we could cater for 170!

This was five years ago and we rushed out to the antique shops, further away from us, to top up our collection to cater for them.

Every year it meant that all the vintage crockery came out for this event and we would replace any breakages to keep the number at 170.

This year we gave the school notice that this would be our last year of catering for the speech day. We have been finding that this is just too big for us. It is stressful and hard work and as it takes place on a Thursday we also have to fit in our corporate lunches as well.

We started at half past six in the morning on Thursday and got back home at half past six in the evening. The following day the washing up took all afternoon. It all has to be washed by hand. We have a system. My husband washes up in our work kitchen and does the cake stands, sandwich plates, tea pots, coffee pots, milk jugs, sugar bowls and silver ware. I wash up in our domestic kitchen and do the trios which consist of matching cup, saucer and side plate.

It takes me as long to those as they all have to be matched up to their sets once more and stored in boxes of 20 trios all different. This means if we have a tea for 20 we pull out one box and for 40 pull out two boxes and so on.

As this is the last year of this event we decided to go through the crockery and get rid of the trios that we like the least. When topping it up to 170 we bought whatever we could get our hands on.

I am taking the overflow to the charity shop so it will have gone full circle. I have reduced the trios to 128.

Last year I took a photo of the crockery on our dining table after I had washed it up. As this is the last year of this number of trios I have taken photos before and after washing it up. It took me four hours to wash it up and another couple of hours to sort through it all and separate out the trios to go to the charity shop.

I have boxed it up with the 20 I like best in the first box then the next best 20 in the next box and so on. This way the prettiest crockery will always go out to the smaller functions.

Vintage trios waiting to be washed up

A daunting task ahead of me

The trios are washed up

And stacked in sets

I am so happy that this is done and that we will never have to do such a large number again. It has been a good event to make buying the crockery worth while and the crockery has paid for itself many times over.

In future though we don’t want to take on anything of this sort of size. Afternoon teas for 50 or under are the ones we like to do. We have a minimum number of 10 and are happy to do those too. We have been averaging nearly one afternoon tea a month for these smaller events which is much more in our comfort zone.

We are not getting any younger and we are trying to make our lives easier. We have stopped doing any hot food, stopped offering to stay and serve at events, stopped taking on any events that are too large and will no longer take on more than one function in a weekend.

We are both feeling so much happier now that we have this last big one out of the way. That washing up alone was daunting where as I don’t mind washing up from the small ones. I just need to make a few trips to the charity shop next week.

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My thoughts on broodies and the different groups within our flock

Ebony was very quickly through being broody. My experiences with my seramas being broody is quite different to what it is with Ebony and Flame. I am not including Speckles in this because she has never ever gone broody.

Ebony all done with being broody

The seramas have never been allowed to sit on eggs and have never had chicks so they have no experience. They are going purely on hormones and instinct. Therefore they will sit anywhere.

It doesn’t have to be the nest box they laid their last egg in and in fact in Cinnamon’s case it doesn’t even have to be somewhere where an egg could be sat on. Cinnamon sat on the perch in the chicken shed when she was broody.

The seramas have tiny brains to match their tiny size and there is no logic to their broodiness. They make up for it with their cuteness though.

It is quite different with Ebony and Flame. The breeder uses these girls to brood and hatch his wyndottes. He chose them for their reliability when broody and he told us that Ebony had been a good mother to her chicks.

This meant that when Ebony went broody she had already had the experience. She knew that she needed to sit in what had been her nest box and she needed to sit on some eggs.

At the end of the first day of Ebony being broody I removed her favourite, high, nest box. I cleaned it out, put fresh pine shavings in it and added it to the line of nest boxes on the patio.

The next day Flame laid her egg in a corner of the chicken shed and has continued to lay her eggs there ever since. I remove her egg as soon as it is laid. Ebony showed no further interest in being broody. She has stopped laying but she seems to have worked out that with her nest box gone and no eggs in sight there is no point continuing with being broody.

I am pleased at this outcome because I had thought that if she insisted on sitting either in the nest boxes on the patio area or  in the chicken shed that I would have to leave her to it. She is too difficult to move. She is strong and she has a hard peck on her.

The little girls are so easy to simply pick up but the bigger girls are not so easy to handle, especially when they are angry.

This may mean that I won’t have to worry too much about Ebony and Flame going broody. They are definitely smarter girls and they also have the experience to draw on.

We definitely have three groups within our flock of twelve. I have always found that the girls that come in together tend to stay bonded together. I bought Ebony and Flame into the flock separately, five days, apart. This was to stop them being a bonded pair leaving Speckles on her own after losing her close, flock mate, Emerald.

It worked well as the three bigger girls are all equal and hang out together. Dandelion and Cinnamon hang out with them too because they have been around Speckles for a long time. They have seen girls leave the flock from before they joined the flock and from after they joined the flock. They seem to accept Ebony and Flame as part of Speckles group and these five girls are often hanging out together. As I have found in the past it has nothing to do with size.

These girls make up one group

These two girls are always together

The silky girls came in together and perhaps losing Blue from their trio has made them even closer. They are totally inseparable.

These girls stick together

This is the biggest group I have ever bought in at once and they are a very close group.

I wonder if the three groups will always stay like this. They all get on together with no more than the usual, pecking order, chasing from time to time but when it comes to hanging out together they are definitely three distinct groups.

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Baby moult

Chicks have a partial moult where they lose their baby feathers and get their adult feathers in. We have only had the five amigos for three weeks but when we first got them they all had tails.

Since then Vanilla has lost her tail and Marmite has only a short tail. This was the new girls in the first few days we had them.

New girls

Notice vanilla’s upright tail at the back of the photo.

Vanilla with no tail

See the difference now. I have been picking up white feathers from the run. She has moulted her tail feathers and will now grow her adult tail.

She will soon be back to her former glory.

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Ebony is broody

Three days ago Ebony spent most of the day in the nest box coming out just a couple of times for food and water and a quick dust bath. I wondered if she was going broody but at the end of the day she was out in the run and both her egg and Flame’s egg were side by side in the nest box.

Two days ago Ebony spent the entire day in the nest box, once again just coming out for food, water and a swift dust bath. At the end of the day she was still in there. I couldn’t shift her as she would peck me.

The breeder chose her for me as he said that she was a lovely, gentle, mother to chicks. That’s as may be but she has a scary, hard, peck. In the end I resorted to putting on gardening gloves and lifting her out.

There were no eggs so neither Ebony or Flame had laid. I closed the high nest box and decided to leave it closed. Ebony always lays in this nest box but Flame sometimes lays in the chicken shed and has once laid in the nest box on the patio so I thought that if she needed to lay she would find somewhere else.

Ebony was making the boc boc broody sound. At bedtime both Ebony and Flame were in the chicken shed and I chased Speckles in to join them.

Yesterday Ebony kept checking the high nest box and eventually sat in front of it. When Flame tried to join her she raised her tail in the typical broody way.

A bit later when Flame tried to join her again Ebony took her anger out on her. She held flame by the neck and didn’t let go. It looked brutal and I sprayed Ebony with water to make her let go of Flame.

Ebony is broody

Flame joins Ebony

Which causes Ebony to raise her tail

The typical broody pose

The next time I checked on her Ebony was settled in a corner of the chicken shed. We had friends coming to lunch so I decided to just leave her be.

Ebony settles in a corner of the chicken shed

When we took our friends up to meet the girls both Ebony and Flame were out in the run. I checked the chicken shed and both Ebony and Flame’s eggs were side by side.

I am rather surprised that these girls continue to lay when broody. With Flame she spent three manic weeks checking the corners of the chicken shed for eggs but continued to lay eggs during that time.

Now Ebony is obviously broody but still laying eggs too. I think these girls are brighter than broody seramas and have experienced hatching eggs before so Ebony seems to know that she has to be on her nest to sit. Broody seramas have no such logic and will sit anywhere.

I think Ebony was then desperate to lay her egg so she found an alternative place to lay but didn’t remain sitting as it wasn’t her nest. As both Ebony and Flame have now laid in the chicken shed I am going to take the opportunity to remove the high nest box.

I will clean it out, put fresh pine shavings in and return it to the patio area. It will be much easier to remove broody girls from the lower level and it will free up the top of the shelter as another surface for the girls to sit.

It will be interesting to see if Ebony continues to lay. It will also be interesting to see what she makes of the disappearing nest box.

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